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Project Monitoring and Evaluation System (PMES) of the Dhaka City Neighborhood Upgrading Project (DCNUP) has developed for better management of implementation of this project.

Most planning strategies include setting of targets and deliverables, so it is important to understand how Project Management Team (PIU) will keep track of Project Information System. These are not only targets to assess the success at the end of this project, but also to keep track of your progress whilst the Team is implementing this project. These real-time assessment targets will help guide any changes you make to your project during implementation, helping to improve the way your deliver your services. Thus, by incorporate M&E into project planning, PIU is actively preparing for and supporting the implementation process.

The PMES is the Web-based Monitoring Software which has access with User ID and Password of concerned officials like DSCC, PIU, DSM and World Bank.

Having a robust concept of M&E in place will also contribute to transparency and accountability in your reporting. Not only does this facilitate a culture of learning for the organization and the wider sector, but it also improves relations with potential donors and supporters.

It will be essential to designing project Logical Framework in the next module that will be the centerpiece of this project. PIU should have an idea of project Monitoring and Evaluation indicators those are from Result Framework incorporated in Project Appraisal Documents (PAD).

The information that M&E programs and systems generate is critical for raising awareness and promoting a debate about the efficiency of public programs and policies. It can empower citizen to hold their government accountable - as long as there are also the mechanisms in place for the government to use this feedback to make changes in budgeting, planning, or efficiency of programs.

Monitoring takes place when a project is implemented, and evaluation at the end of a project. Impact evaluation is a method used at the results-stage of projects to analyze differences in outcomes, with and without the project.

The current M&E ‘arrangements’ clearly spell out data sources, frequency of data collection, the responsible party, and the method used to collect the data. Further refinements to it through web-based introduction will be providing the project authority with timely feedback on project performance it can use to assess the linkages between ‘investments’ in time, effort and money spent and the progress those investments make towards achieving their outcomes, impacts and the Project Development Objectives (PDO).

The DCNUP M&E Team is responsible for monitoring the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts in relation to the various project components including technical/engineering, economics, procurement, financial management, environmental safeguards, and social safeguards as well as project specific risks and mitigation measures.

PMES is being developed a harmonized and standardized web-based Project Management Information Tools which are for the development of M&E System of DCNU Project.

PMES is being developed a harmonized and standardized web-based Project Management Information Tools which are for the development of M&E System of DCNU Project.

The important element of the M&E implementation/ system is to report on the status and progress of all project expenditures, activities and achievements. This mainly occurs through the preparation of quarterly, semi-quarterly and annual progress reports. These reports could be made available to all stakeholders such as DSCC and the World Bank through the websites.